Our Challenge

Raise your performance as a player in all facets of the game.

Improve your decision making on the pitch.

Raise your performance in a year to later be able to choose better universities or stay in Spain while studying.

You will be part of a Soccer Club

Experience the competition of being part of a sports team, where you will have to achieve objectives. Where you will gain experience playing against intensity teams, where you will train with highly qualified coaches who have been in high-level teams and will give you their experience. All this in a privileged location, near the Alfonso X el Sabio University in the CD Villanueva de la Cañada.

Reach your best version

Don't wait for time to wait for you, the journey begins with a first step. The best way to reach your best version is to train like professional players do. Methodology, way of training, decision-making, expanding your knowledge on the pitch in technical, physical, and tactical aspects, and off the pitch with videos and emotional training.

We take care of you

At all times so that you focus on what is really important in your growth. Put the focus on the day to day to improve. Train in the morning, improve as a footballer. Learn the Spanish language to be able to integrate much sooner into some possible disciplines in Spain, or continue the following year studying in Madrid.

Learn to decide in the field

The difference between players is the decision making that you make on the field. This will make you better individually and as a team. In addition to understanding any situation that may occur within the field.


Learn Spanish while you play 

​Play soccer all year long, learning with methodology and high-performance training while you study Spanish 
and be able to take the step to university studies in Spanish.

Requirements Learn Playing

Official Spanish language school
Program taken by the Instituto Cervantes with classes adapted to our players

Spanish at all times

The best way to be able to learn a language is to have to do it in everyday things


Live in a privileged place where you can play soccer while learning the language and customs of Spain.


Train and improve

High performance sessions with audiovisual support to understand what is happening on the pitch.

Compete in Spain

All your potential will be developed in continuously learning and practicing the Spanish language.

Language school

You must be enrolled studying Spanish throughout the year. Essential requirement.